Group Coaching | 1 on 1 Coaching
6 Months Instalments
I understand with this order I placed, I am getting KT Goo’s Sentinel Mastermind Coaching Programme at RM18,000.00 for 12 months. With KT Goo’s “Double Your Investment” guarantee, I also get *Extension of SMM coaching beyond 12 months if I have not doubled in commission income my initial investment. I have read, understood and agreed to the term of service and privacy policy. 我明白并同意,签单过后,我将获得KT Goo,为期12个月的Sentinel Mastermind培训计划,学费是RM18,000.00。 伴随着KT Goo提供的“双倍投资回酬“保证,如果我在12个月内还没赚取学费的双倍等值数额的佣金,我将获得”Sentinel Mastermind的延长培训“。我已阅读、理解并同意服务条款和隐私政策。 *
Terms & Condition